Wednesday, February 25, 2009




今天跟同事话别,有些同事虽然平时没什么两句,但是心里对他们还是有一丝丝的舍不得,毕竟大家就像一个大家庭, 一起走过的日子, 打拼过, 努力过, 挣扎过,快乐过,不开心过,这些同甘共苦,并肩作战的感觉并不是普通外人所能了解的。

看到姐妹们各自有自己的路要走,分道扬镳,为自己的未来打拼,朝梦想迈进,不禁感叹自己的懦弱与迷惘, 本人目前真的毫无思绪。:(



衷心感谢每一个走过我生命中的人, 匆匆的,伴我久久的,每个都在我生命中留下或浅或深的烙印, 没有你们,我的人生就不会如此精彩。

过去如果有多多得罪的,小妹在此负荆请罪, 我知道我常开口就得罪人,脾气也有待改善,但是我真的再慢慢改进咯~ 对不起~ :) 欢迎指教

Tuesday, February 24, 2009;Put;

Rumors over the floor, the most risky team, us...sooner or later,
It's only a timeline matter that this lovely team will be transfer to others region.

Small potato like me have no control on this changes, neither complaint nor voice out.

No one hear you.

Working overtime, working even in weekend, working without living life, however,
din't grant you an imune gold medal.


If we keep worrying and can't focus on our own productivity, the problem will became even worst.

No productivity= No efficiency

No efficiency= No value

No value= Retrenchable element

Get it?

Broken car on 09/02/2009

This is what happened to my beloved car on Chap Goh Meh.

That stupid fellow who stealed my sunglasses and cap, please don't ever do that again, your stupid idiot acts made me troublesome so much!!!

Try to put yourself in the owner's shoes, don't do this crazy+ stupid+ vandalise+ idiot+ foolish behavior.

Byebye, my beloved sunglasses gifted from colleagues + lovely cap who always protected me from sunloght. I will missing you~

Monday, February 23, 2009

Coming back

Hi, thanks friends who care me and keep asking me to update the blog.

Life has been busy, however, this is not the excuse for not keep updating blog but just an excuse
for being lazy, dragging life, times fly day by day, nothing much changing but the feeling keep fading.

Do you remember the person you long so much?

Do you remember the day your most happy day?

Do you remember the person who treat you nice?

Do you remember the day your heart is touched?

Do you remember the day your heart is hurt?

Remembering those things doesn't help you neither in living standard, relationship status nor any materialistic things, but they will made your life more enriched, meaningful and hopeful.

We may write in paper, in heart or write in our mind.

We also may take photos, shoot the moment and creating eternity phantom in our memory.

Come, start our journey of life today by drop down the single moment~